The train is very important to the city of Greensboro. It was brought here by Morehead, who thought that the train would bring people to Greensboro and I guess in turn bring about more businesses. At it's peak of service, there were 90-120 trains coming through Greensboro every day. There are also spur lines that serve the industrial areas of the city. Now, there aren't as many trains that come through Greensboro, but it is still a very cost-effective method of travel. My friends and I rode a train from Charlotte to Durham last year and it was $46 total (combining trip there and back). You just can't travel that cheap when driving anymore.
The interstates also make Greensboro a gateway to the Triad. Looking at the map at the link below from Google Maps, you can see all of the highways and interstates that come through Guilford County, like 40, 85, and 73. For me personally, I take 85 all the way from my hometown straight to Greensboro. It is a very easy trip to make and makes it quick and simple to get to and from school. The interstates have really helped Greensboro develop because there are so many different ways to get here. The interstates also create a need for businesses because of the volume of people that come through here.
An international airport also brings a lot of people to the Triad. I looked at a few different sources and found differing numbers of the direct flights, but from the site , there are 59 direct flights from the Piedmont International Airport, including Charlotte, Houston, and Miami. Another site, , gave a larger number of direct flights from PTI. I also found conflicting information about the international flights coming to/going from PTI. Some of the places that I know for sure of are Canada and Germany.
The gateway for immigrants:
I went to a Human Rights Week event today and they said that the reason why Greensboro is a good spot for immigration entry is because of the interstate systems, so I guess that it makes sense for immigrants coming to the Triad as well. There is a lot of evidence showing non-Western European culture in the community.
-Greensboro Buddhist Center 2715 Liberty Rd.
-Saffron Indian Cuisine 1500 Mill St.
-Jack's Corner Mediterranean Deli
-The Greensboro Cultural Center has a lot of information about many different cultures that are represented in Greensboro.
-African American Atelier